Pusztai Honey

by Pusztai Honey

All beekeeping activity is managed by beekeeper Thomas Kovács, who earned his degrees in Agriculture Engeneering and Plant Medicine. I have beekeeper professional education too. I am handling around 80 beefamilies in a year. I use standing beehive which is very popular in my country. These hives are contains fifteen big frames and next to the nest standing the honey pantry. I use our beespecies as (Aphis mellifera „krajnai” species) which speices adapt the best to our climate. The apiary has been founded almost ten years ago in the neighourhood of one of Hungary’s biggest National Parks, which has been declared as UNESCO biosphere reserve in 1979. The authentic rural environment provide abundance floras, as nectar sources to my bees in a whole season. These different beepastures provide enough pollen as protein to growing broods and nectars too. The flowers determine my multiflower honey colour in every year. I move my bees from March to August to different close location until season in every year and this is my routine.